Week #9 Part A : Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts & Webinars


    Since I plan to do a business of transportation or delivery, I think that it is important and make sense to add personal informations that explains what we do and why we are here to help you all. One thing that I can think of is to create a blog or page about personal information about. I believe that a business that I plan to do is all about service. 

    I guess it could help gain potential customer more by using and providing a personal information to post because a few big company use personal blog to show about him/her and bit information relating about a company. 
    I looked at DHL company about personal blog. I found that there were 12 different people with their picture in one blog page. After clicked link, it explains a person and bit information about a company. Each person has unique blog, and some information about what he is doing in the company.

    In my opinion, I think that local companies can not do the same things that big company do. Of course, a local company can create personal blog and promote themselves but I don't feel so. 


  1. It makes sense that your company would focus on personal information, since it is a shipping company. Keep up the great work!

  2. A personal touch that you could add would be testimonials or images of what you deliver. You could also include success stories. It is difficult trying to put all of this into play. As I like to say.. "It is a work in progress!"




Week #11 Part B: Marketing with other social media

Week #3 Part B: Developing a Brand